Delta Holding


Delta Holding built ‘Residence, Mall, Hotel’ projects and sell it in the industry with 67 200 numbers of housing and became one of the leading communities in Turkey.
” The Delta Group of Companies’ sub companies that give the dealership as well as groups from the production of building the company, the real estate marketing services, Restaurant and cafe managements, electricity production and furniture production. Periods various authorities’ Parliament Magazine TBMM, IYBB’ by 2005, 2007, 2009 in Turkey, the institution of the year selected.

” Trust First ” patented slogan is a group that acquires self-guided service, and every area where it produces service aims at 100% customer satisfaction.

Every year 2000 independent parts (Housing, Residence, offices, commercial space) to produce our group projects that have the potential producing natural life, quality living space and business world to add value to commercial real estate projects development vision of Turkey ‘s mission is to contribute to the process of Urban transformation It has adopted.


Developer Listings

Delta Dubai Comfort
Delta Dubai Comfort Esenyurt, İstanbul
230,000$ /Starting Price | %50 DP, 18 months installment
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